Frequently Asked Questions

Yes. Once we know what vehicle you have to sell, we may want to phone you to discuss details of your vehicle and overall condition. We will send a representative to your location for an onsite inspection if required, and make our offer accordingly.

There are no fees. Our offer includes all appraisals, inspections, money transfer charges and transport. Once we make our offer, you get all that money and we pay all expenses.

We definitely do. If you need to sell your vehicle, we will pay you top dollar so that you can pay off your loan, and have some money left over for yourself.

Simple-you can opt out…no strings attached. When you request a appraisal, you are under no obligation to accept. Our offers are good for 7 days only as prices change quickly. You are free to resubmit your appraisal request at any time.

We do all lien checks from our end at our own expense. We will check to see if there are any liens, the amount owed (if any), then make arrangements to pay both you and your bank to release the vehicle to us.

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